January 26th, 2005

Welcome To Nosheteria

No, Bon Appetit!
No, definitely welcome, bon appetit would be cheesy, and you’re not actually eating anything, you’re just sitting in front of your computer, maybe in a cube, maybe at home.

So this is the Nosheteria, kind of like a cafeteria, where bites on food are served up to you like little morsels of goodness. In this site you’ll get a little bit of everything, the occasional recipe (in the Daily Specials section), the occasional musing, and the always entertaining, story about my life (you’re expected to care) in food.

In the Nosheteria I want the bourgie’s to congregate, to meet and greet, and eventually, take over the world. Now bourgie, what is a bourgie? First let’s get the pronunciation down, boo-zhee, sort of rhymes with sue me. Actually, it doesn’t rhyme at all. “Bourgie,” is a colloquialism used by millions of people daily. Stemming from the French word bourgeoisie, “bourgie” means someone who is class-conscious, with educated and discerning tastes, and interested in enjoying the finer things in life. It is definitely not high-class, aristoratic, snooty, or snobbish. “Bourgie” is as much an idea, and a state of mind, as it is an attitude towards enjoying good food, good friends, and good conversation, everyday. It evokes a mood of simple elegance, casual yet sophisticated—modern. And let’s face it, when it comes to food, who doesn’t want to eat like a bourgie?

I’m young. Just starting out on my culinary adventures, so I do not have a surplus of disposable income. But given these constraints I (and I’m sure you as well) want to eat and entertain well. Hell, not just well– stupendously. Therefore bourgie is a thinly veiled illusion for me, one that I’m serving up to you, my faithful readers.

If you visit this site frequently, you’ll learn helpful hints, read about my trial and travails, and hopefully– through osmosis, eat a bit better yourself. So go ahead, eat with abandon. Cooking should be fun, not simply a way to fill up your belly and absorb nutrients. Don’t be afraid to call yourself a bourgie, and of course, don’t be afraid to eat like one too.

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One Response to “Welcome To Nosheteria”

    Five years on, I'd say you ought be proud of this blog. Well done!

  1. --Anonymous

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