I will be out of town for a little over a week. Brian and I will be visiting his parents, and mucking about in LA. But have no fear dear reader, there are new and exciting things for you to listen to while I’m away. You might have noticed that my Menu page has grown. It now includes two new links, Listen to the Noshcast, as well as The Love Theme from Nosheteria.

I have recently starting podcasting, hence the Noshcast. Those of you with an iPod can download my weekly podcasts from the iTunes directory. Look under the food category for the Nosheteria Podcast. For those people without an iPod, or iTunes, you can click on the Listen to the Noshcast on this site, or my feed can be added to other podcasts you may already subscribe to by grabbing the xml file at the bottom of this page. Whew, allow me a moment to collect myself after geeking out.

When you listen to the podcast you might hear a little snippet of music, this is the abridged version of The Love Theme from Nosheteria. Arranged by my equally geeky, but always delightful, husband Brian, it an adaptation of the 70′s disco classic, Everbody Wants to be Bourgie Bourgie, a la Les Paul. So there you have it. Eat like a bourgie, and I will write when I get back.

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