What to do with a perfect bag of Key Limes? Make a Key Lime-Strawberry Refresher. I was at the market this week and noticed individually packaged, mesh sacks of ping pong ball sized key limes. Being a sucker for both mesh sacks, and any diminutive type produce, I quickly scooped up the sack and went home.

Now I’m not wild for citrus pies; lemon meringue, or key lime for that matter, never have done much for me. But a limeade, with some beautiful strawberries thrown in for good measure I could do. So I got to work, slicing and juicing some 40-odd limes, and let me tell you dear reader, it was a pain in the arse. Not a giant pain, like being stuck in traffic on a hot summer’s day with the air-conditioner on the fritz; but a moderate, waiting-15 minutes-for-a-perpetually-late-friend one. Key limes are tiny. They also have a more tender skin, and are more acidic than the run of the mill Persian lime. This makes them the ideal foil for the tender sweetness of the strawberries, and just tart enough to make the perfect refresher. But still…

So why make this? Why not just buy a limeade like most people? Well, that is a verifiable option, but then you would miss out the wonderful sweet-tart flavor, and the cooling refreshment of the homemade stuff. Once the lime juice is obtained, the refresher comes together quite easily, and the most difficult part is waiting for the sugar syrup to cool, and consumption to begin.

Key Lime-Strawberry Refresher

1 cup key lime juice, or Persian lime
1 pint strawberries, roughly chopped
1 vanilla bean, split (optional)
1 cup sugar
6 cups water

In order to get one cup of liquid, juice the key limes, set aside. In a large saucepan add strawberries, water, sugar, and vanilla bean (I find this imparts a wonderfully subtle flavor), and slowly bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. The strawberries should begin to fall apart and muddle with the liquid. Once a boil has been reached, extract vanilla bean, and blend. Be careful, blenders don’t always like hot liquids, I speak from experience. Add the strawberry juice to the key lime juice, stir, and place in refrigerator to chill. Serve chilled, over ice, with a sprig of mint. Delightful!

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