November 14th, 2005

The Dinner Oracle

Indecision has happened one to many times in my house. The conversation goes something like this:

Husband: Where do you want to go to dinner?
Adrienne: I’m not sure, what sounds good to you?
H: I’m really game for anything.
A: Well narrow it down, and we’ll choose from there.
H: Well what couldn’t you eat?

You get the picture. It’s all very irritating. (And yes, I realize this is petty, my problems should all be so big.)

Does this ever happen to you? It’s a weeknight, you don’t feel like cooking, leftovers are sounding unappealing, so you decide to go out for a bite. And that’s when it strikes, indecision rears its ugly head, with a giant question mark hanging over its forehead, and you can’t decide what to eat. Will it be Chinese, or that Jewish deli down the street, or something more ascetic like sushi? You just can’t decide. Well, your worries about where to go to dinner can be solved with The Dinner Oracle.

Yes, it’s the Dinner Oracle, the solution to my problems of dining indecision, as artfully contributed by my wonderful, though at times geeky husband (Brian, wave your geek flag high!). It is offered to you, my trusted Nosheteria readers, to get you out of similar dining binds. It’s simple. Enter in the types of cuisines you have a hankering for, and let the oracle decide for you. If there are any types of cuisine that have been shockingly overlooked, leave a comment, and we will try to remedy the situation.

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