March 22nd, 2006

The Horror!

For any of my long time readers, perhaps you remember my late summer trip to LA. Bagels were eaten, stars were spotted, and I even took a trip through the greater LA area, in search of programmatic architecture. Fun was had by all (well, maybe just me).

This morning while doing a bit of research on-line, I found out a most disturbing turn of events has occurred. Tail o’ the Pup, that long-standing, ever-loved restaurant, serving up greasy hot dogs to multitudes of adoring, hungry diners, is no longer. The owner has sold the land to builders planning a retirement community. The Tail o’the Pup closed in early 2006.

There has been some talk of reopening the Pup in a parking lot in Westwood. But no plans have been made as of yet. Might I make a suggestion? Load the Pup on to a giant, flat-bed truck, strap it down, good and tight, and bring that baby up to the Bay Area. We could use a bit of true Americana right in the heart of the Gourmet Ghetto!

But until then, goodbye sweet Pup! You will be sorely missed! But hopefully this will not be the end…

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