April 13th, 2006

Lookie Here!

We’ve all heard it it before, resemblances– dogs looking like their owners (or vice versa), children looking like their parents, or what about the couples that dress like twins, in their matching parachute pant warm-up suits? But what about fruit resembling famous, old Jewish comedians?

I was cleaning strawberries for lunch, as part of my “5 a day for proper nutrition” kick, my husband was in another room writing a chapter on composer Morton Feldman, as part of his dissertation, when I squealed with glee and excitement. I beckoned Brian to the kitchen to see this marvel of nature, a strawberry that looked like a face. That’s when Brian pointed out the berry’s resemblance to another, more famous in most circles Feldman, Marty Feldman.

Now is it a berry that looks like Feldman, or a Feldman-shaped berry? Despite the strawberry’s speckled white right eye, it was downright DELICIOUS! That’s the kind of tribute that Marty probably would have very much enjoyed.

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