October 12th, 2006

Grilling in October

When we moved to New York, we lost our outdoor space, that tiny patch of land, right outside our front door where Brian and I grew a sorry collection of succulents. We also lost our BBQ. But have no fear, I have a stovetop grill pan. And with that pan comes my latest fixation, the Grilled Pear.

Yes, a grill pan is an indispensable tool for getting the look and some of the taste of a classic BBQ. I use my grill pan to prepare all sorts of meat and fish. But now I can add the grilling of fruit to that list. Grilling pears proved to be the perfect use for an autumn fruit. It is early in the season. While the apples aren’t at their most flavorful, and the pears are sort of firm, I just don’t feel like eating the alternatives– the last of the stone fruit. But grilling worked out like a dream.

Grilling requires a firm fruit, something that does not give much to the touch, and will not fall apart on the grill. So, early autumn fruit proved ideal. Simply cut the pears into 1/3 inch slices, and rub those slices with a bit of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper, for that salty-sweet flavor, and place on a preheated grill pan. The pears cook up in minutes. But make sure you leave them be when they are grilling. You want those beautiful charred markings.

When cooked, the pears are delicate in flavor, with a delightful bit of smoke. The sugars in the fruit are brought out through the cooking process, and carmelize, creating a pleasant contrast to the creaminess of the pear. I served my grilled pears with a dollop of creme fraiche sprinkled with light brown sugar, because fruit is so often made better with just a modicum of that thick, rich cream. Any leftovers I stored in the fridge, then had chopped up, and added to my oatmeal as a breakfast treat the next morning. And now I can’t stop thinking about which foods I could add my new grilled treasures. As a side dish for pork… Sliced on top of an arugula salad… Ah yes, the mind reels.

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