February 7th, 2007

In a Pickle

It’s been cold here. Really cold. It’s the kind of bone-chilling, nose-numbing weather that makes me want to hole up inside, wearing my latest gift from the in-laws, and hibernate until the chill wears off. But even I get bored by simply lounging around, and I begin to look for something to occupy my time. But what to do when all of the pilly lint-balls have been shaved off of my favorite sweater, I have bugged my husband sufficiently, and have organized both of our sock drawers? Well, I guess I could make some pickles.

I was really scraping the bottom of the pickle barrel (the cold has affected my sense of humor as well) in terms of groceries. I had a few measly Kirby cucumbers lying in the refrigerator, some rice, and a can of tomatoes. So rather than make an interesting (read: revolting) main-dish stew, I focused just on the cucumbers instead, making refrigerator “dill” pickles.

Really a combination of bread and butter, and dill pickles, these pickles were a breeze to put together. I thinly sliced my Kirby’s, and placed them, helter-skelter in a Bell jar, wedging fronds of fresh dill beside the slices. (I might be freezing, but no one said Brian couldn’t pick up a bunch of dill on his way home from work.) Onto the stove went some cider vinegar, a bit of sugar, and a dose of salt. I had some mustard seeds, so those got thrown in the pot as well. Bring this vinegary concoction to a simmer, really just to melt the sugar, and pour over the cucumbers.

The pickles bring a crisp, brightness to your palate. The perfect foil for a blustery day. And they were almost too easy to make. Now what to do with the other 23 hours of arctic air? I guess the bathroom could use a good scrubbing.

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