And by this I mean: I don’t know how I got invited to a Martha Stewart event, but I did. Way up on the the 36th floor of some giant midtown skyscraper, there I stood with about 60 other people, some of them Martha’s minions, to celebrate Martha’s new interview show on Sirius Satellite Radio. Oh, and Jean-Georges was there too.

How did I get invited to such a function, you ask? Well, I’m as clueless as you are. One day about a week ago, I opened my inbox and there it was, an electronic invitation (not quite an Evite) beckoning me to attend a recording of Martha and J.-G. chattin’ it up on the radio. Cocktail attire was not stressed, however hors-d’oeuvres would be served from J.-G.’s restaurant, Vong. So I though to myself, washing my hair can wait for another evening. I’m game to snack on crispy spring rolls, satay shrimp in a fried coconut crust, fresh rolls with daikon sprouts, and sachets of crepe filled with salty caviar and topped with gold leaf. Not to mention hangin’ with Martha.

Actually, there was little hanging to be had. Martha and Jean-Georges made a quick appearance, photos were taken (see above) and then they headed off to the soundproof glass booth, decorated with stunning floral arrangements and draped in Martha Stewart textiles (no doubt, available at KMart), to enjoy an hour of conversation on the radio. It was definitely a step up from the last radio station I set foot in, a college station badly in need of a vacuum cleaner, that smelled like sweat mixed with a peculiar heavy scent of an herb, and I don’t mean tarragon.

I couldn’t tell you much about the interview because, although it was piped into the reception room, the room was full of the less-than-subtle sound of schmoozing. And, dear reader, I did my part. Actually, it was strange but nice. I met some of Martha’s minions, some fellow food bloggers, and some folks from the radio. It was a room full of people who really love food, love to talk about it, and even love to write about it too.

A good time was had by all. And I even got to go home with some swag, which I in turn documented Nosheteria-style! (Notice the Sirius Satellite lip-balm. That’s odd, isn’t it?)

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