May 27th, 2009

The Muddler

Muddle is just one of those perfect words. It’s almost onomatopoeic– like smooch, or mushy. In fact, I think that I abuse this little double syllable. Phrases like “muddle through it” seem to so aptly describe my life at times, when I’m just at a loss, when every little thing seems completely insurmountable. Yes, it is times like those that I just seem to muddle through, and then I muddle right home, and make myself a cocktail– a wine cocktail.

Now, I’m not much of a boozer. I guess you would call me a lightweight. One martini and I’m a bit woozy. But give me a wine cocktail, a warm evening with the sun casting a pink light on the horizon, and I am a happy girl! I know, I know, a wine cocktail? You might be saying, “Who am I reading here, Bartles or Jaymes?” But let me assure the skeptics– slightly fizzy, fruity, off-dry– there is one word for a good wine cocktail and that is refreshing. And in this latest concoction, you even get to do a bit of muddling.

With my relative novice stature as a booze hound, it took me awhile to discover Lillet. For those of you who are not familiar with this apertif, Lillet is a fortified wine. This means it is fermented with a small amount of distilled alcohol, so it never goes off, and has a slightly higher percentage of alcohol. The flavor is citrus, and floral, and altogether delicious. It comes in both white and red variety, but I’ve stuck with the white. Hey, if you find something you like, why mess with a good thing? Lillet is best served chilled, and can be drunk on its own, or with a splash of seltzer for that effervescence. Or you can muddle it.

Here’s what I did: In a glass, take a handful of crushed ice, a few fresh, torn mint leaves, and some frozen berries (I used Trader Joe’s black raspberries). Then go to town; muddle that mixture like you’ve never muddled before!* Spoon the ice mixture into cocktail glasses. Pour yourself a few inches of Lillet, and then top off with seltzer. I know this recipe is far from exact, but that’s the beauty of the laissez-faire wine cocktail. Like it particularly minty? Add more fresh mint. More fruity? Add berries a plenty. Just be sure that when summer hits, you’re ready with a wine cocktail.

*I don’t actually have a proper muddler. I used the end of a clean wooden spoon and a sturdy drinking glass, and it worked like a charm.

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One Response to “The Muddler”

    that is so lovely
    and sounds very refreshing
    i need to go find this lillet you speak of :)

  1. --leslie

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