June 14th, 2009

Calling all Nutmeggers!

Hi Everyone,

To all my readers in the Nutmeg State, I will be appearing at RJ Julia Booksellers in Madison, CT, Monday evening June 15, with fellow memoirist, Giullia Melucci. Later that same week, on Saturday June 20, at 2 pm, I will also be at the Yale Barnes and Noble. Both events are free to the public, and I will be reading, and signing my book. Come on down, I would love to meet you!

In other news… Do you compost? Well, I didn’t. That is until my friend, and fellow writer, Jude Stewart wrote a detailed article, rating composters, and needed copious amounts of food scraps. She turned to me, and I quickly realized I make a lot of reusable trash. You can read her article here, and if you are in the market for a state-of-the-art composter, she just may have a suggestion or two for you. Long live trash to nutrient-rich soil!

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One Response to “Calling all Nutmeggers!”

    Excellent! Will bring all our peeps on Saturday to the Yale B&N. Will not bring any composters; that's smelly, yo.

    Thanks for the shout-out,

  1. --Anonymous

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