May 11th, 2010

I Eat a Ton of Salad

I’ve been doing a bit of spring cleaning on my website. To tell you the truth, it’s not the most gratifying thing in the world. When you clean your apartment, or your closet, there is immediate gratification. There are bags to be taken to Goodwill; every glass surface sparkles back at you; and if you are truly anal, there may even be vacuum tracks left on the newly pristine carpet. The gratification when fixing up the website is not nearly so visible. The only thing I have to show for it is a large amount of code– not that I ever knew what it did in the first place.

I’ve made some changes, like adding categories, tags and a more robust search. I think when all is said and done, the site will be easier to use. I’m in the process of categorizing everything. I’m over half-way complete, and I’m hoping you’ll have more luck searching for recipes, and even discovering some you hadn’t known about.

Most likely, you will be searching for salad– because apparently that is all I eat and “cook.” When searching, go to the vegetable (or fruit at times) category, and I have tagged all of the posts, salad. Daikon salad? Done it. Thai melon salad? Got that too. What about three bean? That’s there also. Salad, salad, salad. I heart you.

Happy searching!

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