August 11th, 2010

In Berkeley

My word!  Is it August already?  Where is the summer heading to?

I had good intentions about blogging while I was in the Bay Area, I really did.  My days were full of family, friends, and food.  I know that sounds like the perfect thing to write about.  That’s sort of what Nosheteria is about, right? But, you know how it is– sometimes life just gets in the way of blogging!

It was good to be back in Berkeley though.  The restaurants, the markets, and yes, the politics.  I took this picture near my old apartment, not far from Berkeley Bowl– a market to beat all markets.  I’m guessing someone crawled up the billboard in order to leave their mark.  It’s kind of great.  Message received.

In Berkeley, some things never change.

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One Response to “In Berkeley”

    Whoever did this is genius. I hope this can inspire some to eat better, or maybe less McDonalds.

  1. --Mark

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