May 14th, 2013

Wedding Pies

Back in California, what seems like eons ago, I used to do some catering. It’s not something that I do an awful lot of in my new life as a cookbook writer, but I would. And well, this past weekend, I did. There was a couple in my neighborhood getting married. They shunned the usual, multi-tiered wedding cake. They had decided that at their wedding they wanted a dessert that they loved. They wanted pie.

I could get behind that.

The couple provided a three-tiered cake/pie stand of varying sizes, and I provided the pies for each tier. These two were very easy-going, requesting only one flavor be included– pumpkin– the bride’s favorite, and the rest was up to me.

After much deliberation, I decide that the bottom tier would be the classic springtime treat of strawberry -rhubarb. This pie was enormous! Measuring 12 inches at the base of the pie plate, the pie barely wedged in the stand.

The center tier was Shaker Lemon. An unearthed classic from my pie book, this pie is made by macerating entire lemons– skin, pith, and all– sliced paper thin, then left to mingle with sugar overnight. This filling is blended with a simple custard, and baked to a sunny, pungent confection. It’s one of my favorites; hopefully the wedding party enjoyed it too.

The baking was going off without a hitch. As I pulled the pumpkin, my final pie from the oven, it was beautiful, puffed and smooth. When I set the pie on the cooling rack, I breathed a sigh of relief, and left the kitchen. But the sigh of relief came too soon. When I passed the pie ten minutes later, it had developed a huge crack. I couldn’t have a fissure swallow up the bride and groom cake topper!

Remembering that whipped cream hides a multitude of sins, I quickly whipped some billows, and stabilized it with a bit of gelatin, for longevity. Later, I mounded a dollop on the center, and plopped the diminutive bride and groom on top. Actually, I think it looked more festive with the inclusion of whipped cream.

My kitchen smelled fabulous the rest weekend, like butter, and fruit, and spices. And I hope the couple enjoyed their pies.

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