I wanted to start this post out lavishly quoting to you the lyrics of a Purim song of my youth. It is sung to the melody of “Roll out the Barrel,” but the words have been changed and this rousing rendition is entitled “Roll out the Megillah” (the scrolls on which the story of Purim […]
Filed under: Baking, Sweets | Comment (0) Article tags: apricot, cookies, hamantashen, holiday, Purim
Last Friday I went on local television to bake a pie– a Chocolate Raisin Pie. I think chocolate and raisins are sort of the perfect combination. I always eat the raisins with the chocolate chips out of the “bad-for-you” trail mix. (Which is really the only type of trail mix I like.) I love a […]
Filed under: Baking, Press, Sweets | Comment (1) Article tags: chocolate, pie, raisin, Raisinet, United States of Pie
It seems like I don’t bake a lot of cookies around here, so when I do bake a batch, I want them to have a bit of everything in them. And apparently Joanne Chang, baker and proprietor of Boston’s Flour Bakery feels much the same way. (Although I suppose that being the baker at a […]
Filed under: Baking, Sweets | Comments (2) Article tags: chocolate chip cookie, coconut, Flour Bakery, oatmeal cookie
I’m back in Connecticut now, but here’s one I baked while I was in California. Chocolate-Cherry Swirl Bread.
Filed under: Baking, Breads, Breakfast | Comment (0) Article tags: sweet bread, The Proof, US of Breads
I’ve been in California for over a week helping my mom recuperate from knee surgery. This trip has been not been like my usual jaunts to California filled with friends and frequent trips to my favorite haunts. No, this trip has been all about my mom. (And bread, the bread must go on!) I’ve actually […]
Filed under: Baking, Fruits | Comment (1) Article tags: applesauce, baked apples, Dutch oven
My mom lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and I live in Connecticut, but we talk on the phone all the time. This is how our conversations have gone as of late: Mom: Hi, hon. Me: Hi. Mom: What did you do today? Me: Made bread. Or sometimes they go: Mom: Hi. Me: Let […]
Filed under: Baking, Breads | Comments (5) Article tags: announcements, cookbook, United States of Breads
I know that it’s almost Thanksgiving. (Gobble gobble, to all of those omnivores out there!) Most of you already are busy planning and cooking your meal. You will have the much-loved side dishes to be paired with the turkey: stuffing is a definite, most likely you’ll have mashed potatoes, maybe you’ll indulge in some creamed […]
Filed under: Baking, Soups, Vegetables | Comment (1) Article tags: baked beans, beans, Dutch oven, slow-cooked
I mentioned last week that I would be doing a local television spot. Well, I did it; and it’s up on-line. The host and I chatted about pumpkin pie (complete with roasting your own pumpkin). Then I demonstrated making the filling, which couldn’t be any simpler. If you’re looking for a holiday dessert recipe, this […]
Filed under: Baking, Press | Comments (2) Article tags: local television, Press, pumpkin pie
It’s November, and Thanksgiving is early this year. If you’re anything like me, you’re already making mental checklists of everything you want/need (really, is there any difference?) to cook and bake for this holiday that beats all other holidays, culinarily speaking. I’ll be baking a pie this week on local television. (For those of you […]
Filed under: Baking, Sweets, Vegetables | Comments (2) Article tags: pie filling, roast pupkin, thanksgiving
I am American. As if you didn’t know that from the title of my latest book, or the subheading of this site. But another way to tell my nationality is my undying love for all things peanut butter. THIS is the true way to tell when you are dealing with an American. I ‘ve found […]
Filed under: Baking, Sweets | Comment (1) Article tags: blondies, chocolate, peanut butter, Reese's