Archive for ‘Breads’
June 3rd, 2009

More of The Same

So I think this is going to be a quick one today. Why? You might be asking. Well, Brian and I are moving again, just across town, but still, we are on the move again. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, moving is a royal pain. It’s like a blister that just popped […]

March 16th, 2009

Polly Wants These Crackers

I was a latch-key kid. But please, don’t feel sorry for me– I loved the time alone. There was something so settling about a quiet house to come to, with no one pestering me about schoolwork that had yet to be completed. The school bus would drop me off just houses away from where I […]

February 18th, 2009

Bloated to Perfection

When I started this blog way back in January of 2005, I wasn’t much of a baker, so this wasn’t much of a baking blog. I wrote about chickpeas, zucchini, quickly frying fish, or sautéing vegetables. Standing, perched over my cast-iron skillet, or waiting impatiently while a roast chicken fragranced the entire house with its […]

December 8th, 2008

Introducing Helen Corbitt

Do you know of Helen Corbitt? Well, I hadn’t until just over a week ago. Brian and I had taken a few days in Philadelphia. I had never seen the Liberty Bell, or Independence Hall, or had eaten at Reading Terminal Market (amazing!). While we were strolling through Old City, we stopped in a used […]

November 5th, 2008

Celebratory Biscuits

Comfort food soothes– hence the name. For the last week I have been glued to the television set, waiting for one talking head to convince me, to quell my nerves, to, for lack of a better word, soothe me. When I realized that the news could never do this for me, there was only one […]

October 15th, 2008

Cheesy Serendipity

At my birthday dinner a clean, white plate was presented at the dinner table. It housed a circular configuration of tiny gougères, still warm from the oven. An amuse bouche, if you will, something salty and savory to start the meal off right. They were thoroughly enjoyed, not a crumb left in sight. And I […]

October 9th, 2008

Delicious Alliteration

It all started with this bread. I know, I know, could I be any later to the game? I read about it, heard about, saw it posted on YouTube, but I had never made it. It almost seemed too de riguer; I can be funny that way. But late this past summer, nearly two years […]

Have you ever had one of those moments, maybe you were cleaning out your closet, and discovered that old blue sweater in the back recesses that you never really wore when you bought, but trying it on now, years later, it fits beautifully, and is warm and soft– precisely what you have been looking for. […]

January 30th, 2008

You're a Crumby Bun

I love a coffee cake for breakfast. Or a piece of pie. And if there are any homemade cookies in the house, I can’t think of anything better to have with my morning cup of coffee. (If these cookies happen to be oatmeal, all the better. I rationalize it away as eating a breakfast grain […]

September 28th, 2007

What Do I Really Eat?

Perhaps this month you have been inspired to make breakfast a thing of beauty. Perhaps you are exhausted by my regaling you about the wonders of grilled bread, fluffy waffles, or oatmeal, a new way. Perhaps you are asking yourself: All of these recipes are nice and all, but does Adrienne really eat like this […]

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