I would not, could not, in a box. I could not, would not, with a fox. I will not eat them with a mouse. I will not eat them in a house. I will not eat them here or there. I will not eat them anywhere. I do not eat green eggs and ham. I […]
I would not, could not, in a box. I could not, would not, with a fox. I will not eat them with a mouse. I will not eat them in a house. I will not eat them here or there. I will not eat them anywhere. I do not eat green eggs and ham. I […]
Donuts and a cuppa joe. As American as apple pie, a juicy hamburger, or a skinny hot dog. Glazed, chocolate frosted, jelly-filled, raised or cake, have your pick. Some people dunk ‘em in their breakfast-time coffee, then quickly take a bite, careful not to allow the donut to get too soggy in their hot morning […]
Hello?Hello, is anyone out there?Oh, there you are, tanned shoulders, sun-kissed locks, glaring right back at me through your monitor screen.I know.I have been remiss.But you know how it is dear reader; sometimes life just gets in the way.But I am back. Well, after returning from my second wedding in California this summer, I think […]
I’ll admit it, at first it was the packaging that attracted me to these beauties. Those nubby pint containers, the aqua blue cardboard was complementing the crimson of the cherries so poetically. Really, there could have been slop for sale in those pint containers and I would have had to stop and comment, “Look, the […]
When I was young there were two sandwiches which I absolutely could not stand– egg salad and tuna fish. Although their lumpy appearances definitely did not appeal, it was above all their lingering odors that were so detestable to the sensitivity of my young nose. I would head out to the kitchen, teeth brushed, shoelaces […]
Well, I’m back from California. But I suppose that I should have told you that I was going upon leaving. The first of two trips back this summer, aaahh, it is wedding season! Bring on the bouquets; bring on the bridesmaids; and bring on the catered food. Northern California was actually cold when we arrived, […]
Quail eggs are sweet, some might even say darling, in the same way that a petits-four or a mini tartlette is. But they can also be quite expensive. Usually I cruise by them at the market, thinking longingly of making diminutive hard-boiled eggs, topped with dollops of cool, black caviar. But each time I pick […]
And by the lily, I mean banana bread. And you should gild it with ganache. End of Post. No…let’s talk a little bit about this banana bread. For a girl that never really liked bananas, I always liked banana flavored things…like banana bread, and banana nut muffins, and banana cake. As a kid, when I […]
And then there were soccas…and they were socca-licious…socca-tastic…socca-ful. Okay, perhaps they did not require a whole slew of neologisms to be added to the Dictionary, but they were pretty darn good. Soccas are a simple yet savory, French pancake of sorts. Made with chickpea flour and olive oil, the batter is quite runny, and when […]
Okay, I’ll admit it. I had never had a homemade biscuit until just a few short years ago. There were biscuits in my youth, it was just that they usually came in a refrigerated cardboard tube, and the young Adrienne, all bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked loved those biscuits any which way she could get them. My […]