Archive for ‘Breakfast’
November 19th, 2011

Buck Yeah– Scones!

I’m smitten with a lowly flour. It all started last year with a trip to upstate New York. I went to the teeny-tiny, mill town of Penn Yan. It was quaint. But what do you do in a mill town except buy flours and grain? Not a whole lot. So, I filled the trunk of […]

November 9th, 2011

Cocoa Puffs for Adults

As a sit at my desk writing this I’m looking out the front window. Cars are speeding by, going home for the evening. Their headlights are on. I can’t see the drivers. It is dusk… It’s also 4:30. Really? Gag me. Daylight savings time has just ended. I’ll get over it. It just takes me […]

September 8th, 2011

Back With Blueberry Muffins

Hello. My word, it’s been a long time. A really looooooooong time. And it’s my fault—that’s right—you can place the onus squarely on me. I guess you could say that I’m not too great about keeping in touch. Apologies. I have an excuse, a rather good one in fact. But first, I’m going to butter […]

April 13th, 2010

So Tart It Must Be Spring

I have officially packed my winter clothes away. Brian and I had a bread salad with dinner on Sunday night. I am nursing blisters on my feet from wearing shoes without socks for the first time in months. Spring is in the air– and that means rhubarb! I picked up my first few stalks of […]

December 3rd, 2009

The Leftovers

Did everyone have a splendid Thanksgiving? Was it filled with turkey, pie, and maybe a little bit of booze? Was there enough food? That is a silly question. If your Thanksgiving is anything like mine, it is all about abundance. Abundance is great; but after the turkey is packed up, the sides are nestled in […]

November 16th, 2009

Fresh Eggs

I grew up in the suburbs, and have lived in one city or another for most of my adult life, so I had never had the pleasure of eating a fresh egg before. And I mean fresh.. like straight from the chicken fresh. But this all changed for me last week, when a generous neighbor […]

October 8th, 2009

Sweet Shells

Maybe you have seen them sitting in the glass case at a Mexican Panaderia, a sweet roll, with a sugar crust, that is often brightly colored. If you’re anything like me, you may have been turned off by the neon hues, and ordered something else. Well, I didn’t know what I was missing. I should […]

July 2nd, 2009

The First of the Season

Last weekend brought my very first clafoutis. Cherry and blueberry, eggy and deee-licious! A well-trod recipe requiring just a handful of ingredients, and a pile of fruit, clafoutis is easier to make than a pie (my other summertime favorite), yet equally as delectable. I even included a copy of my recipe in the book. Have […]

May 14th, 2009


All popovers are not created equal. Awhile back I made a recipe for oatmeal popovers by Marion Cunningham, whom I normally adore. With finely ground oatmeal, and a dollop of orange marmalade baked in the bottom, they sounded superb. Well, turns out they weren’t. They never really puffed (or popped as it may be), and […]

November 19th, 2008

Curds Worth the Wait

I always buy all of the November food magazines. I like to see what menus the editors have planned for the gluttonous holiday, Thanksgiving. Sometimes I find a recipe for yams that looks tempting, or a new way to shred my brussels sprouts, but usually I stick to the tried and true standbys that I […]

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