Archive for ‘Breakfast’
September 22nd, 2008

Doughnuts? Why not!

I’ve been thinking a lot about dough lately–kneading it, pressing it, watching it grow, baking it, and of course, frying it. Maybe I should actually amend the previous sentence to read: I’ve been thinking a lot about fried dough lately. There is nothing like a good doughnut, or a fritter, or a beignet. If my […]

I was recently talking with some friends about summertime desserts. Mainly about how much I love them. Got a cobbler? Send it right on over! Peach pie is divine! Plum cake? Superb! And then I mentioned an old stand-by for me– the clafoutis. No crust to beat down with a rolling pin, it uses whatever […]

January 30th, 2008

You're a Crumby Bun

I love a coffee cake for breakfast. Or a piece of pie. And if there are any homemade cookies in the house, I can’t think of anything better to have with my morning cup of coffee. (If these cookies happen to be oatmeal, all the better. I rationalize it away as eating a breakfast grain […]

September 25th, 2007

Hello and Goodbye

The berries are gone. At least the good ones are. They’ve rolled up their welcome mats and bid the berry-loving world adieu. It seems like months ago those final rosey apricots, their supple skin veritably bursting with juice, said farewell. Of course, there are those final hanger-ons, the colonels of summer stone fruit: the random […]

September 20th, 2007

Green Eggs and Ham

I would not, could not, in a box. I could not, would not, with a fox. I will not eat them with a mouse. I will not eat them in a house. I will not eat them here or there. I will not eat them anywhere. I do not eat green eggs and ham. I […]

September 13th, 2007

Fishing for Donuts

Donuts and a cuppa joe. As American as apple pie, a juicy hamburger, or a skinny hot dog. Glazed, chocolate frosted, jelly-filled, raised or cake, have your pick. Some people dunk ‘em in their breakfast-time coffee, then quickly take a bite, careful not to allow the donut to get too soggy in their hot morning […]

September 11th, 2007

I Accept Your Challenge!

A commenter from last week had this to say, “Let’s see a substitute for the egg-McMuffin (but we all know nothing beats the real thing!).” It seems that many people have a soft spot for that ubiquitous breakfast sandwich, the McMuffin. I can’t say that it was a part of my childhood, never having even […]

September 7th, 2007

Oatmeal, Step Aside!

When my in-laws first got married, my mother-in-law, ever the good 1960s wife, prepared a bowl of globby oatmeal for the two of them every morning. Little did she know that her husband actually disliked oatmeal, almost as much as she did. Both ate their oatmeal every morning thinking that the other one liked it, […]

September 4th, 2007

I'll Raise You a Waffle

September has always seemed like a month filled with promise and new beginnings. I guess it goes back to my first days of elementary school and wondering who my teacher would be, if my best friend would be in my homeroom class, and deciding which new fall outfit I would wear on my very first […]

July 31st, 2007

Sucker for Sour Cherries

I’ll admit it, at first it was the packaging that attracted me to these beauties. Those nubby pint containers, the aqua blue cardboard was complementing the crimson of the cherries so poetically. Really, there could have been slop for sale in those pint containers and I would have had to stop and comment, “Look, the […]

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