Fall can be a confusing time. Don’t get me wrong– it’s one of my favorite seasons. (Out of four, it’s probably number one!) For one thing, there is always the crisis of what to wear. Tights or bare legs? Sandals still, or do you move on to flats? Light sweaters in the morning, jackets for […]
Filed under: Baking, Fruits | Comments (2) Article tags: fall, fig, galette, rhubarb
Hello. My word, it’s been a long time. A really looooooooong time. And it’s my fault—that’s right—you can place the onus squarely on me. I guess you could say that I’m not too great about keeping in touch. Apologies. I have an excuse, a rather good one in fact. But first, I’m going to butter […]
Filed under: Baking, Breads, Breakfast, Fruits | Comment (1) Article tags: blueberry, Breakfast, muffins, Sunday morning
I am not a competitive person. Growing up, I never had any interest in organized sports. I was on the basketball team (B team, mind you) in middle school. There was one game that the coach had to call a time out because I got tangled in my jersey. Yeah. That’s how good I was. […]
Filed under: Fruits, Sweets | Comments (4) Article tags: apples, cheddar cheese, county fair, pie
I have officially packed my winter clothes away. Brian and I had a bread salad with dinner on Sunday night. I am nursing blisters on my feet from wearing shoes without socks for the first time in months. Spring is in the air– and that means rhubarb! I picked up my first few stalks of […]
Filed under: Breakfast, Fruits, Misc. | Comments (16) Article tags: compote, rhubarb, spring
I went apple picking again. Correction– I went apple, crabapple and quince picking, and I went a little crazy. 22 pounds of crazy. The apples are enormous, and delicious, but enormous none the less– imagine the head of a small child, covered in delicate, chewy and edible bright green skin. But apples, unlike so many […]
Filed under: Fruits, Sweets | Comments (5) Article tags: apple, crumble, oatmeal, pie, Sweets
It seems hard to believe that I have been on the East Coast for going on four years, with over one third of that time in New England, yet I had never gone apple picking. It just seemed almost too quaint for me; I buy my apples from the farmer’s market or the grocery store, […]
Filed under: Fruits | Comments (15) Article tags: apple picking, apples, pears
But it tasted kind of awful. Recently I picked up Donna Hay’s Simple Essentials Fruit, and as I was glancing through the pictures (because they really are the best part of her books) a Plum and Chocolate Clafoutis bounced off the page at me. It looked delicious, and made me think why hadn’t I thought […]
Filed under: Fruits, Sweets | Comments (10) Article tags: clafoutis, plum
I used to dislike lemon desserts; they just seemed like a giant waste of time. If I wanted something sweet, I would go for chocolate, smooth and creamy, every time. But as I got older, my palate as well as my appetite grew. I learned to appreciate the delicacy, the brightness, that puckery twang of […]
Filed under: Fruits, Sweets | Comments (10) Article tags: Alice Waters, cake, Meyer lemon
Last weekend brought my very first clafoutis. Cherry and blueberry, eggy and deee-licious! A well-trod recipe requiring just a handful of ingredients, and a pile of fruit, clafoutis is easier to make than a pie (my other summertime favorite), yet equally as delectable. I even included a copy of my recipe in the book. Have […]
Filed under: Breakfast, Fruits, Sweets | Comments (10) Article tags: blueberry, cherry, clafoutis
All popovers are not created equal. Awhile back I made a recipe for oatmeal popovers by Marion Cunningham, whom I normally adore. With finely ground oatmeal, and a dollop of orange marmalade baked in the bottom, they sounded superb. Well, turns out they weren’t. They never really puffed (or popped as it may be), and […]
Filed under: Breakfast, Fruits | Comments (5) Article tags: Breakfast, strawberries