Archive for ‘Fruits’
December 11th, 2007

Burn Baby Burn

Do you remember eating grapefruit as the starter at a savory dinner party? I do. It must have been an early 80′s things to do. Or maybe it was a late 70′s thing, and my mom was simply holding on to a remnant of the past (sorry, mom!). Anyhow, I loved it. It seemed so […]

November 13th, 2007

Still Life With…

At the market last week, I just about stopped dead in my tracks. There each one was, assembled in such close proximity that I almost couldn’t bear it. Check out the loveliness of the following: Fuyu persimmons, Satsuma mandarins, and Belgian endive. If I were Martha Stewart, hostess extraordinaire, queen of all good things, CEO […]

September 25th, 2007

Hello and Goodbye

The berries are gone. At least the good ones are. They’ve rolled up their welcome mats and bid the berry-loving world adieu. It seems like months ago those final rosey apricots, their supple skin veritably bursting with juice, said farewell. Of course, there are those final hanger-ons, the colonels of summer stone fruit: the random […]

August 23rd, 2007

A Popover Worth the Wait

For me, the hardest part of going away is not the planning (I guess I’m not really a planner), nor is it the packing (just take all of your clothes and stuff them in a suitcase). It is using up the contents of the fridge for that final week at home, that works me up. […]

July 31st, 2007

Sucker for Sour Cherries

I’ll admit it, at first it was the packaging that attracted me to these beauties. Those nubby pint containers, the aqua blue cardboard was complementing the crimson of the cherries so poetically. Really, there could have been slop for sale in those pint containers and I would have had to stop and comment, “Look, the […]

If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you probably know by now, that I love summer. No, it’s not the warm weather, in fact that makes me wilt like a cut flower. And when I was younger, and in school from September to June, I looked forward to the summer recess just like every […]

June 21st, 2007

Updated Ambrosia

Ambrosia has always fascinated me, not the food of the Greek gods, rather the good ol’ American buffet speciality. (And maybe by fascinated I should clarify– repelled.) I remember a few family BBQ’s at my grandma house. All the food would be lined up on the dinning room cum buffet table: potato salad, crocks of […]

June 4th, 2007

Plummy Apricots

Some people have electronic gadgets that do almost everything for them, others simply have to glide on yet another new shade of glistening lipstick, other people inhabit homes that resemble radio stations with albums lining the shelves like blades of freshly cut grass on a soccer field. Me, I’m a sucker for unique fruit. If […]

February 1st, 2007

Buttery Breakfast

All the leaves have tumbled off of the trees. I can see billows of moist, white breath cascading from my mouth and floating into the chilly atmosphere. Yesterday a little boy scampered by me, down the street, so bundled up he could hardly bring his arms to rest at his sides. And it snowed Wednesday […]

January 25th, 2007

Sweet Tart

Behold, the beautiful quince. Feel the weight in the palm of your hand, the smooth, cool skin protecting the firm flesh…and that lovely fragrance. A scent that is intoxicating, perfumey, deeply musky, the scent of apple and pear, that is if those two fruits went on some tropical holiday, vacationing somewhere warm. The bouquet is […]

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