Although New York is on the Atlantic coastline, and I lived there for two years, somehow I couldn’t imagine a crustacean cruising around the major metropolis area. So I went two years without eating a lobster roll. And for anyone who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, like I did, the lobster roll […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: butter, lobster roll, summer
Innards. It’s what’s for dinnards. Awhile back, when finally coming clean to you all about my, well…diversity of eating habits, I mentioned that offal, delicious though it may be, “doesn’t photograph too well.” I stand corrected. Though it may not be the beautiful girl, with a sparkling smile, and hair so buttery blond she is […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Pasta | Comment (0) Article tags: linguine, liver, peas, tomato sauce
Looking over my past posts to Nosheteria, I make a lot of salads. Because I eat a lot of salads. There is nothing more satisfying to me than a pile of crisp lettuce, a crumbling of cheese, and for interest, a melange of crudite. What can I say, I grew up in California– bring on […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: Dijon mustard, prosciutto, rabbit
Before Brian became my husband, he was my forever boyfriend. No, he was not my high school sweetheart, but I did meet him when I was still in college. So, he robbed/saved me from regaling you with horrific dating stories, of scrambling around trying to find a date for some holiday party or another. But […]
Filed under: Fruits, Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: appetizers, dates, prosciutto
When I was young there were two sandwiches which I absolutely could not stand– egg salad and tuna fish. Although their lumpy appearances definitely did not appeal, it was above all their lingering odors that were so detestable to the sensitivity of my young nose. I would head out to the kitchen, teeth brushed, shoelaces […]
Filed under: Breads, Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: capers, Dijon mustard, egg, tuna
Sunday evening, 1987. I come to the table for a typical Sunday night meal. At the close of a busy weekend our dinners were filled with usuals: rotisserie chicken and a salad, some soup, leftovers from a more appropriate weekday meal, or sometimes my mother would whip up her version of Hamburger Helper– a mix […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Pasta | Comment (0) Article tags: ground lamb, lemon, mint, orzo
Admit it. As good as you might try to be, eating three square meals a day, there are times, usually around four o’clock on a lazy weekend afternoon, when your stomach starts a-churning. (At least if you’re anything like me it does.) You get that hollow, hungry feeling, and you know that a bag of […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Misc. | Comments (20) Article tags: bacon, bacon grease, black pepper, popcorn
I’m sure that every family must have them– those old, tattered recipes for dishes that are so entrenched in family lore it becomes difficult to decipher where the recipe actually came from. A pot of soup, a batch of cookies, or in this case, a one pot supper, that went by the incorrect name of […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (1) Article tags: Bahama chicken, cast iron skillet, rice
That’s a mouthful! At least for English speakers. But rather than choke on polysyllabic, antiquated German words (definition to follow shortly, keep reading), why not gobble down some lovely, subtle brandade instead? And just what is this warm dip? Allow me to explain… Brandade, a settling and satisfying, warm dip, hailing from the south of […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: bacalao, brandade, salt cod
I am not the best about eating my own leftovers. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the foods that I prepare, because I do. I suppose it is eating the same items that I prepared, two meals in a row that gets me. Let’s face it– it can be a bit boring. But refashioning one […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: leftovers, lemon scented meatballs, meatball hero