My sister-in-law doesn’t like rice. What? You may be asking yourself, how can a person dislike something so innocuous. That’s almost like saying you don’t like water– which come to think of it, my sister isn’t all too crazy about. I guess you could say that I come from a family of awkward eaters. But […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: pancetta, peas, rice, soup
I can’t resist. I have explained my new salad fixation; so yes, Brian and I have been eating quite a lot of them lately. And the latest incarnation, is my favorite type of salad to make: a very green, non-lettuce variety, enriched with imported tuna, packed in olive oil. Fresh, rich, the 3 Bean Salad […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: 3 bean salad, cranberry beans, croutons, fava beans, green beans, imported tuna
Call it the indiscretion of youth, but as a child, I could be known as an odd eater. It all started with hot dog skins. I ate just the casing, and left the succulent meat behind. I loved fat, and would routinely collect the bits cut off the pork chops my mother made for dinner. […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: leftovers, mashed potatoes, meatloaf
The Atlantic or the Pacific. Who knew that taters along the shores of one country could produce such different types of fish? Call it naivete, or maybe it was just lack of thought, but it wasn’t until I arrived in New York that I realized the immense variety. Citarella, a lovely market, not far from […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: roasted, sardines
Seared ahi. It may have you thinking back to the days in the early 90′s when it seemed that every restaurant was going avant and serving a thick slice of almost raw tuna. We were all so amazed to be served this supremely rare piece of fish at a non-Japanese restaurant. Well the phenomenon has […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish | Comment (0) Article tags: ahi tuna, browned butter, marjoram