Archive for ‘Misc.’
December 2nd, 2013

Cashews with Indian Spices

Did everyone have a nice Thanksgiving? Lots of turkey? Made a dent in the leftovers yet? That’s good. At my Thanksgiving, I had these nuts. Of course the usual suspects were eaten at the feast as well. But these cashews were a favorite part of hors d’oeuvres hour. (Which of course happened at 3:30 PM, […]

June 3rd, 2013

Caesar Dressing

Where did spring go? In New England we seemed to jump right into summer. I’ve been doing all of my baking for the bread book in the mornings, before the heat and the humidity really set in. And after a morning covered in dough, with flour crusted along my hair line from pushing errant locks […]

June 4th, 2012

Oh no, she didn't!

Oh yes, I did! Homemade Sriracha-lime mayonnaise, spicy, citrusy, and smooth. I may just be a mayo convert!

May 24th, 2012

Summer Cookbooks 2012

Each season selects its best cookbooks. And guess what? United States of Pie was chosen! To read the article, and to see the other cookbooks selected, go here.

April 12th, 2012

Media Meltdown

Do I like bacon? Yes. Do I LOVE bacon? Not really. Do I find it physically painful for throw away food? Absolutely. Do I love a new cookbook? You betcha. What about magazines? Sure thing. When needed, do I take Metro-North Railroad? On occasion. Do I then complain about my bum falling asleep due to […]

March 16th, 2012


Here’s a post that I never thought that I would write. Mayonnaise. The name alone used to send shivers up my spine, and now? Now the shivers stop at my waist. Several years ago, I decided that I had had enough of my food taboos. I had never been an overly picky eater, but there […]

December 15th, 2011

Noodles not Pasta

I recently taught an autumn pie class, and at the end of the course one of my students gave me a vintage Pennsylvania Dutch cookbook she had picked up at an estate sale. I had told the class that I have a fascination with heirloom cookbooks. The book was her thank you for teaching her […]

October 28th, 2011

Stuck On You

Do you know that song by Lionel Richie? “Stuck on you, got a feeling down deep in my soul…dah, dah, dah, Yes, I’m on my way–” (Hum the rest, because if you’re anything like me, you NEVER know the correct words to ANY songs.) Well, that song kept playing over and over in my head […]

August 11th, 2010

In Berkeley

My word!  Is it August already?  Where is the summer heading to? I had good intentions about blogging while I was in the Bay Area, I really did.  My days were full of family, friends, and food.  I know that sounds like the perfect thing to write about.  That’s sort of what Nosheteria is about, […]

July 15th, 2010

LA Alliteration

As the weather got progressively stickier along the Eastern sea board, I began to count down the days until our annual trip to California.  There may be heat in the sunshine state, and thick smog hanging over the San Fernando Valley, but there is one thing there is not– swampy humidity.  I can handle a […]

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