Archive for ‘Misc.’
September 29th, 2005

Party On! With Fig Crostini

The Fig and Ricotta Crostini were a huge hit at the cocktail party. Crisp yet creamy, earthy yet slightly sweet, the dichotomies are endless, but the natural flavor of this hors d’oeuvres is fleeting, as figs are only in season for a few short months. With just a handful of ingredients, they embody the simplicity […]

September 27th, 2005

Sweet Success!

It can be done! With a little help from some downright amazing cheeses, mother nature can take the credit for the stunning produce, and a bit of ingenuity, each contributing in its own way, to a scrumptious party. Here is a quick trip to a very bourgie cocktail hour. Polenta Squares topped with Onion Confit […]

September 23rd, 2005

Can it be Done?

The Mission: cater a cocktail party for approximately 50 people, in a beautiful gallery space. The rub? Do so on a budget, a tight budget, a paltry $150 budget. In addition to my money woes, the gallery does not provide a stove, oven, or refrigerator, and preparation time is limited. So this is going to […]

September 20th, 2005

Asian Dumplings: Part Two

I have received lots of questions about making Asian-style dumplings since the post. So let me demystify the process; it’s really not that hard. I buy wrappers at an Asian grocery. I am sorry to say, that while I may be industrious enough to make dumplings, I draw the line at making the wrappers as […]

September 16th, 2005

Dumplings: Part Two

This past weekend was not simply a weekend of one type of dumplings, but rather of two. Call me a girl with too much time on her hands, or simply a glutton for punishment. That’s fine, I’ll concede on both accounts. But I know that for all of my industriousness now, I will be well-fed […]

September 13th, 2005

Zen and the Art of Dumpling Making

It’s starting to get cool outside, the days are growing shorter, and leaves are beginning to collect in the gutter. Fall is quickly coming, and with the change of season, comes my strong nesting instinct. Days are spent thinking of all of the soup recipes I will try, and what new and exciting dishes filled […]

September 10th, 2005

21st Century Snack Cakes

Chow is a new, bi-monthly food magazine that is all about food as enjoyment. It demystifies food, making it accessible to even the most green of all food novices. Heavy on the “journalistic” aspect of food writing, it is filled with facts, and little-known details about the foods we eat everyday. But most exciting (for […]

I have an ice cream maker. It’s a little Krups one, and when I received it for a birthday present, I thought that I would be using it all the time. I had visions of myself as a modern day milkmaid. Churning rich vats of cream into sweet, fatty, wonderful ice cream, I would make […]

September 1st, 2005

The Lovely Loaves

They are here! After two weeks I finally have sourdough bread, and it is edible. In fact, it’s more than edible, it’s delicious– crisp, with a good crumb, and an even better crust. But it was not an easy road, filled with failed attempts, flour flying, and several unleavened– well, breadsticks. The baguettes are beautiful, […]

There has been much talk on-line about butter lately. These are food bloggers mind you, so the chat has been espousing its merits, not detracting from its creamy goodness. There are many different kinds of butter, in many different price ranges available in the market these days, but the Butter that deserves capitalization is Plugra. […]

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