Archive for ‘Misc.’

I will be out of town for a little over a week. Brian and I will be visiting his parents, and mucking about in LA. But have no fear dear reader, there are new and exciting things for you to listen to while I’m away. You might have noticed that my Menu page has grown. […]

July 24th, 2005

Don't be Crabby

Soft-shell crabs are bursting with flavor, so unless you are a voluptuary you might want to stay away. But I assume that if you are reading Nosheteria, you must be a true gastronomic libertine, so read on dear reader. Fresh soft-shell crabs are available right now in fish markets, so I recommend picking up a […]

July 20th, 2005

Love Me Mark

I love Mark Bittman, and I love him even more now that I have seen his new PBS show Bittman Takes on America’s Chefs. I have read Bittman for quite some time; and I use his book How to Cook Everything often, both as reference guide and a recipe book. But now that I have […]

July 18th, 2005

Rice, Rice, Baby

Rice was never one of those things that I knew how to make. Sure I ate it all the time, and even attempted to make it; but the kernels were not the light, fluffy, individual grains I longed for. I even went so far as to buy Uncle Ben’s converted rice, but it always seemed […]

July 13th, 2005

The Bourgie Cheesesteak

What to do with the leftover steak from the previous night’s dinner? Make The Bourgie Cheesesteak that’s what. Now I admit, I have never indulged in the true Philly Cheesesteak; well I have never actually been to Philadelphia, but taking a trip to one of this nation’s founding cities is definitely on my to-do list. […]

July 11th, 2005

Panang with Panache

I live my life in search of a good Panang beef curry. Actually, I am in pursuit of a magnificent Mussamun Curry, but Panang is a close second. After a disappointing trial with a prepared Mussamun curry paste (too cardamom-y, not enough peanuts), and one too many mediocre Thai meals eaten out, I’ve decided to […]

What to do with a perfect bag of Key Limes? Make a Key Lime-Strawberry Refresher. I was at the market this week and noticed individually packaged, mesh sacks of ping pong ball sized key limes. Being a sucker for both mesh sacks, and any diminutive type produce, I quickly scooped up the sack and went […]

July 5th, 2005

Mmm, Corn Again

Each year it seems that I become obsessed with some ingredient or food type. One summer I fancied jam, last spring I was gaga for fava beans; I painstakingly double shucked, then prepared them any which way I could think of, sauteed, mashed into a paste for crostini, and the simple favorite, slurped up with […]

June 30th, 2005

Pu-Pu Please

When I was young we went out for Chinese food almost every Friday night. Amongst the assortment of Americanized Chinese food we consumed, I always ordered the Pu-Pu Platter for an appetizer. A tantalizing assortment of greasy goodies were set before us: a few fried wontons, an eggroll cut into four pieces, some slices of […]

June 27th, 2005

The Iron Men

My grandmother was a wonderful cook. I know that mostly everyone says this, but I mean it. She was a true, family-style cook. Nothing fancy, just belly-warming, carbohydrate-laden goodies came tumbling from her kitchen virtually any meal of the day. My mother says she often stretched one chicken to feed eight people: my grandpa, six […]

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