Archive for ‘Misc.’
June 23rd, 2005

Rootbeer FloatShake

We all know that the best part of a rootbeer float is that sweet, milky, goodness, that amalgamation of soda and ice cream, the liquid that forms from making the float. This nectar of the gods can be gulped down by chiseling away at the ice cream, tediously mixing by hand, waiting for a chemical […]

June 21st, 2005

Bringing Home the Pancetta

Pancetta, it’s the bourgie’s bacon! I mean, who doesn’t love a little bit of pork product in their food? But pancetta, for all of its meaty saltiness, its crunchy crispness, and its artery-clogging goodness, can be a little too much on its own. It’s wonderful as a starter for soups, or crisply fried into lardons […]

I love them all. Call it a pie, a tart, or a galette, I am an equal opportunity, pie eatin’ fool. I will even choke down an ordinarily-too-plain apple pie if the occasion presents itself. But when it’s spring/summertime and the lovely perfumed berries and sweet stone fruit abound, how can you not make a […]

June 13th, 2005

A Cuppa Joe

I am not a coffee snob, at least I never thought that I was. Awhile back we had some friends over for dinner, dessert rolled around, coffee was served from the French press, and conversation naturally turned to that rich, caffeinated beverage. I found that I had quite a few opinions. Peet’s was too “grow […]

June 9th, 2005

Sufferin' Succotash

Some of you may know this pleasant vegetable side dish, as a melange of greyish vegetables, a lima bean chucked in for good measure, tumbling out of a can. But what I am talking about is the bourgie succotash, sweet corn, some lively red bell pepper, and buttery fava beans, all sauteed together, dancing quickly […]

June 6th, 2005

Food Porn

House porn– magazines like Dwell, and Architectural Digest, that make you scratch your chin, and wonder, “Does anyone truly live like this?” Sure we love them, maybe we even steal ideas from them, or hold them up as models of something we some day aspire to, but ultimately are they good for us? I bought […]

When you have breakfasted both well and amply, if you swallow a generous cup of good chocolate at the end of the meal, you will have digested the whole perfectly in comfort…Out of zeal for science, and by sheer force of eloquence, I have persuaded not a few ladies to make this experiment, although they […]

May 31st, 2005

The "Q"

Aaahh, Memorial Day weekend, the official kickoff of summer. A season that makes me eat too many cherries until my stomach is turning in satiated circles, gobble up corn– sliced from the cob and sauteed with butter and chives, or grilled and slathered in sweet cream butter, and the grandaddy of them all, the BBQ, […]

May 27th, 2005

Those Salad Days

Just what does this mean anyway? It seems to me to be one of those idioms that came out of nowhere. Now the “salad days” have fallen out of favor, only uttered by grandmothers, and linguists interested in peculiar vernaculars. But I did a bit of bird dogging (watch out, the vernacular is flying) and […]

May 24th, 2005

Chocolate and Cherries

We all know by now that I am a big fan of desserts. This does not mean however, that I am huge fan of making desserts. Every once in awhile I forget that I don’t loooove to bake, and I jump head first in to some lengthy project involving vanilla beans, too many egg whites […]

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