Archive for ‘Misc.’

So which is it? There seems to be a very fine line between the two. I’ve been reading a lot of cupcake/muffin recipes lately due to the latest Is My Blog Burning event with the theme of cupcake and muffin recipes, and I honestly can’t decide what it is that differentiates a modern-day muffin from […]

March 24th, 2005

It's Digit-licious!

WARNING: The following blog is not meant for the weak stomached. Well, it’s happened again. It happens every few years, something goes awry in the fast food industry. E-coli from hamburgers, mad cow disease, or in this case, a little, bitty finger finds it way into a bubbling vat ‘o chili. Can you imagine the […]

There is a little restaurant not too far from where I live, if you’re driving too fast you could drive right by it. In fact it’s sort of a dive, paint peeling from the walls, some lightbulbs burned out from the “stained glass” fixtures above the tables, and the banquettes sticky from over-use. But all […]

March 19th, 2005

Behold, the Buffet

The delightful, little gnome says: Welcome to Adrienne and Brian’s Wedding Party! So last weekend’s party was a success, and I was so busy mingling, and passing around Caprese Salad Bites, that I didn’t have time to think about all of the gross faux pas that could have been occurring at the buffet table. The […]

What do you do when you get some bad news, when life just doesn’t seem to be going your way, you’re feeling under the weather? Usually I don’t do much of anything. Perhaps I will take in a mindless, feel-good movie. One that makes me think, no one’s love life is just so perfect. I’ll […]

Why is it that the month of March has the worst produce? I live in California, the land of citrus trees, and the central valley, where row upon row of produce sprouts from the fertile soils, (sometimes with the help of genetic engineering). So why is it then, this month, with it’s cherry blossoms blooming, […]

March 8th, 2005

An Amendment…

The buffet table– a place where the concept of sharing is brought to brazen, and at times terrifying levels. Depending on your guests, the layout of the designated table, and just how many diners you are trying to accommodate, the buffet table can become an obstacle course of spilled food, diners with dirty cuffs dragging […]

March 6th, 2005

Share and Share Alike

Sharing is a wonderful thing; my mother taught me how to do it quite nicely. I love to share desserts in particular. You have just finished a delightful meal out, you’re pleasantly satiated, but could use a little something sweet. Not an entire dessert course mind you, just a nibble. When could there be a […]

It’s cheap, it’s delicious and versatile; it’s the bourgie’s ideal food. Who would have ever thought something so simple, a little dried cornmeal and the liquid of your choice would make such a wholly complete and satisfying food? Now I’m not speaking of the polenta that you buy, already prepared, molded into a plastic tube, […]

February 28th, 2005

5 a Day for Proper Nutrition…

This has become a mantra for me, words to live by. When I was a kid there was a huge ad campaign by the fruit and vegetable board, telling people, kids in particular, as the commercials played during Saturday morning cartoons, to eat their five servings of fruit and vegetables a day for proper nutrition. […]

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