Archive for ‘Misc.’
February 24th, 2005

40 Minutes? Please.

I have eaten many-a birthday cake in my tender existence. In fact, I have even baked many of those same cakes. All of these baking experiences have brought me to two main conclusions:1. Baking sort of sucks.2. I think that cake is best left frosted just on the top and center. Never a side shall […]

February 22nd, 2005

You Know, Like a Chipmunk

I have a bad habit, nasty in fact. It’s not drugs, I don’t smoke, or drink excessively. I’ve never chewed my nails, digits have no appeal to me. To many I might lead what would be considered a boring existence; but I still have a rather gross habit. I hold things in my mouth for […]

February 19th, 2005

Tastes Like Red

In our modern world, a world where “hamburgers” are made from soy (ie: fast-food restaurants), tortilla chips are covered in an orange powder and flavored with nacho cheese, and drive-thru coffee shops dot suburban landscapes, is it possible that color has so been so associated with flavor, the two have actually become synonymous with each […]

I don’t really like mayonnaise. Maybe it’s the Jew in me, but there seems to be so many other condiments that aren’t globby, white, gelatinous messes to use than mayo. I almost never eat mayo, not even a light smear on my bread when making a sandwich. Now I said almost in reference to the […]

Here’s a recipe for a lovely soup I made over the weekend. It is especially nice to curl up with this cup of warm soup when it is cold and dreary out, much like it has been here these past few days. 2 tablespoons unsalted butter1 tablespoon olive oil2 leeks, white and light green parts, […]

February 14th, 2005

It's All About the Ratios

Baskin-Robbins Peanut Butter and Chocolate ice cream. To many of you this may not seem like such a big deal, but to me, it’s a little scoop of gustatory heaven. Now ice cream is good, I eat it somewhat regularly, once a week in fact. But I’m not one of those people who is ga-ga […]

My uncle has been in the hospital for several weeks. He has something called pancreatitis. I’ll leave out all of the gory details, because I know that no one really finds their ailments all that interesting except for the person who has them, and get to the good part. Over the weekend he was told […]

February 7th, 2005

Zesty? I Think Not!

Let’s talk about zesty for just one moment shall we? What exactly does this one, almost onomatopoeic adjective mean in the world of food today? This word has gotten to be a bit declasse. I mean you would never say (for example) the frog legs at Chez Robert are zesty, or the steamed dumplings at […]

February 5th, 2005

Sweet Rhomboid Treat

Last weekend was my brother-in-law’s birthday. Not knowing what to get him, I decided to bake him a birthday cake instead. I had several ideas myself, something chocolate, or maybe a sticky toffee pudding, there were a variety of different recipes that I had swimming about in my head. But I decided to ask the […]

My husband has been sick, so I decided to make him some chicken soup (from scratch, mind you) on Friday afternoon. Now this may not seem like much to many of you, you may be saying, “Big deal, a little soup, whoop-de-do, a little bit of soup.” Making soup isn’t such a grand deal, in […]

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