Archive for ‘Misc.’

I love a good sandwich; but I am also picky about them. The bread has to be excellent, toppings carefully selected, and any of my long-time readers know how finicky I am about ratios. But when the sandwich has each of those things going for it, it can be a thing of beauty. And I […]

May 11th, 2006

Brown Suede Cupcakes

I admit it, there is nothing I like more than a good Red Velvet Cupcake with Cream Cheese Icing. I also admit that all that red food coloring, the very coloring that gives the cake its charming name, kind of gives me the heebies. The way that it colors your fingers when you pick the […]

I am a miserable shaver. Perhaps I am not as diligent as I should be; or maybe it is that I am always in too much of a hurry, whisking a sharp razor up and down my peaked legs; but whatever it is I just can’t do it well. Each time I step into the […]

I can’t really take credit for this idea. I’ll give credit where credit is due– Jamie Oliver did it again. While watching an old episode of Oliver’s Twist, Jamie made a fresh pasta dish: rolled manicotti resting in a dish of raw tomato sauce. Clean, light, and vegetarian, this dish looked delightfully simple to prepare, […]

May 1st, 2006

Creamsicle Hockey Pucks

I know that it may look like a hockey puck, squat and gently rounded, but I assure you that is where the similarities end. What I have instead is a light, eggless Italian custard– a panna cotta. Wobbly, chilled, resting calmly and waiting to be gobbled up, this panna cotta was enriched with buttermilk, giving […]

April 27th, 2006

Gettin' Fraiche

Maybe it is the French-ification of American cuisine, or perhaps it is that the entire culinary world is getting downright bourgie, or maybe it is just that creme fraiche is tangy and delicious, but perhaps you too have noticed it creeping onto menus and into recipes a lot more lately. I can see why, the […]

April 25th, 2006

I'm Green with Garlic

I try not to be a stinky girl, but sometimes, I just cannot help myself. I open my mouth to utter a statement, and the sweet smell of garlic halitosis, wafts out instead. And let me tell you, I simply do not care. Especially this spring, upon the discovery of a beautiful springtime vegetable, Green […]

April 20th, 2006

A Simple Bourgie Hash

Sunday Brunch. It seems that lately I have been having guests over quite often to partake in that not-quite-breakfast-but-certainly-not-lunchtime, ritual. It is a wonderful way to entertain– more relaxed, carefree, an assemblage of sorts. There is no worry over what wine to serve (mimosas do just perfect), no sit-down courses to worry about getting on […]

The Oreo is a thing of beauty, the perfect marriage of chocolate and cream all sandwiched together in a harmonious union. I love them, but I do feel guilty eating them. The urban legends (or maybe they are not quite legends) about the cream being composed entirely of wobbly, fatty lard have even made the […]

April 13th, 2006

Lookie Here!

We’ve all heard it it before, resemblances– dogs looking like their owners (or vice versa), children looking like their parents, or what about the couples that dress like twins, in their matching parachute pant warm-up suits? But what about fruit resembling famous, old Jewish comedians? I was cleaning strawberries for lunch, as part of my […]

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