Archive for ‘Misc.’

I don’t suppose it really matters if these chicken patties look appetizing, because they were delicious. Deeply savory, with just the right amount of salt from bits of crisply fried bacon– who knew that something so blase as ordinary minced chicken, could truly be so sublime? It all started out with a pound of bacon, […]

January 23rd, 2006

They're Called FlufferNutters

Growing up, I was an Adam’s Peanut Butter sort of girl. That all-natural, no sugar added, no trans-fat, oil resting on the top, waiting to be mixed in, was the only sort of peanut butter I was allowed. But when you are a kid, you get to go over to your friend’s house, and you […]

January 19th, 2006

Not Dietetic and Lame

Even a bourgie needs to eat something clean and ascetic from time to time. During the chilly days of January, fresh from holiday gluttony, and steeped in cold-weather comfort foods, sometimes you need something pure, and maybe a little warm-weather, to rev up your gustatory sensibilities. These Salmon Kebabs were just the trick. Light, crisp, […]

January 17th, 2006

Weights and Measures

I don’t know why Nigel Slater is not a bigger deal in the United States. Like his British cohorts, he too brings simple, fuss-free food to the forefront, and does so in an engaging, straight-forward fashion. I love this man. That is why, when book shopping in Oxford, I was thrilled to find his latest […]

January 12th, 2006


My sister says that hands-down, the thing to order at McDonald’s is the Egg McMuffin. Occasionally she will get this breakfast food of champions and share one-quarter with her eagerly awaiting dog, Noodle. However, in 27 years of eating, I had never tasted an Egg McMuffin (26 if you count the years consuming solid food). […]

January 9th, 2006

Puddin' in the Morning

A little bread pudding for breakfast? Why not! I know, I seem to have a fixation with puddings this season. But there is something deeply satisfying about tucking into a warm meal, entirely self-contained, laden with eggs, vanilla, and a bit of dried fruit. (See, dried fruit makes it healthy.) For a Sunday morning Brunch, […]

January 5th, 2006

A Scone Here, or a Scone There

I must say, coming home from England, I did not in fact go for tea even once while I was there. No scones, no clotted cream, not even a crumpet was consumed by me. Chalk it up to jet lag, but come 4 o’clock I was in need of something slightly more potent than a […]

January 2nd, 2006

I Just Needed a Salad!

Well, I’m back. I trust you all had lovely holidays. I don’t know about you, but each year, at about Dec. 30, I get so ready for the hulla-balloo of the holiday season to be over– all of the gifts, all of the late nights, all of the gluttony. Maybe that makes me a bit […]

December 17th, 2005

Happy Holidays!

Well bourgies, I’m off! I’ll be taking a vacation from blogging for a bit. Enjoy the holidays, I will be back soon with more recipes for you all to try. And remember, don’t eat anything that I wouldn’t eat! from Nosheteria

December 14th, 2005

Power to the Palmier

Let’s contribute to over-eating, carbo-loading, and the consumption of butter by the pound, by giving our guests another starchy yet scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, Roasted Sundried Tomato-Pesto Palmiers. It’s another super simple crowd pleaser that is sure to be gone by the end of the evening. I adapted this recipe from that rolly-polly, queen of butter […]

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