Archive for ‘Misc.’
December 12th, 2005

Jacket Required

For all you bourgies who have holidays parties that you are attending, or throwing yourself, I thought I would do a few posts on easy and tasty party foods to have. If you are tired of those mini cubes of cheese, and if you see one more deli meat platter you just might scream, try […]

December 8th, 2005

Bring Back Bearnaise!

I have never been one for sauces. I usually prefer my meat to be unadorned, placed glowing and alone on my supper plate. That’s not to say I don’t marinate, or love a good braising liquid, but sauces themselves can often be overpowering. But not bearnaise! I was just a wee one when I first […]

December 5th, 2005

Old Skool

Sometimes you have to return to the classics for dinner, or in this case dessert. Buried beneath a sumptuous layer of rich vanilla pudding are the very pieces of fruit that are so everyday yet so scrumptious– bananas. A little bit of a surprise for eager diners, it is the banana that brings this dessert […]

December 1st, 2005

Ricotta Creme on Anything

The perfect weeknight meal. A detox from holiday Americana, but being a bourgie, still luxurious and never ascetic. Pennete pasta with pesto and petite green beans, and the crowning adornment, Ricotta Creme. Aahhh. During the week, if you are anything like me, sometimes the most you can do is boil some water for a light […]

November 29th, 2005

Pumpkin Again?

Absolutely pumpkin again! I am not actually the hugest pumpkin pie fan. It’s fine, I just don’t love it. I think it’s that I need more body, more substance from my pie, a nice piece of fruit to sink my teeth into. But for all of my complaining and declining of pumpkin pie, I actually […]

November 25th, 2005

Gobble Gobble…It Up

I am a Thanksgiving traditionalist. I don’t like anything fantastical at my feasts, and I come from a long line of traditionalists. Parsnip-Potato Puree may be scrumptious any other day of the year, but on Turkey Day it has to be pure– Russet Potatoes mashed with milk and butter and slathered in homemade turkey gravy. […]

November 17th, 2005

Chili con Bourgie

Chili is a food of cooking lore. Days are spent with giant pots simmering away on the stove. Women and men don their American flag aprons and head to the county fair for endless chili cook-offs. Secret recipes are de riguer. I’ve never really understood what all of the hullabaloo was about. Sure I love […]

November 14th, 2005

The Dinner Oracle

Indecision has happened one to many times in my house. The conversation goes something like this: Husband: Where do you want to go to dinner?Adrienne: I’m not sure, what sounds good to you?H: I’m really game for anything.A: Well narrow it down, and we’ll choose from there.H: Well what couldn’t you eat? You get the […]

November 10th, 2005

Is it Rice or is it Risotto?

It’s neither actually, just a comforting lunch time concoction. I’ve said it before, so I will say it again– My name is Adrienne Handler, and I am a culinary cheat. Call this the cheater’s risotto if you will, I will call it “proudly using up some leftovers.” Early in the week I made butternut squash […]

November 7th, 2005

Roasted, Simmered, and Fried

Parsnips are a truly underrated vegetable. So often they are relegated to the pantry, along with the potatoes and onion, never to see the light of day. Well, it’s time to claim a resurgence of this winter time root veg! Power to the parsnip! Let’s enjoy the smooth, sweet, and slightly peppery flavor of the […]

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