Sunday evening, 1987. I come to the table for a typical Sunday night meal. At the close of a busy weekend our dinners were filled with usuals: rotisserie chicken and a salad, some soup, leftovers from a more appropriate weekday meal, or sometimes my mother would whip up her version of Hamburger Helper– a mix […]
Filed under: Meat/Fish, Pasta | Comment (0) Article tags: ground lamb, lemon, mint, orzo
There is something almost magical about a beet. Dirty, ruddy, and altogether blah on the outside, but crimson (if you’re using red beets), shiny, sparkling little orbs on the inside. When cooked and peeled they are like a sanguine surprise just waiting to be eaten. I eat beets in all sorts of ways, but I […]
Filed under: Pasta, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: beets, ravioli
Sometimes it is a good thing to change things up every once in awhile. Walking a different route to the way to subway brings me new windows to peer into. Tying my scarf a new way keeps my neck a bit warmer from the biting cold. And making a favorite dish with a hearty sauce […]
Filed under: Pasta | Comment (0) Article tags: butternut squash, lasagna
Tart from the lemon, sweet from the fresh figs, smooth from the cream, and spicy from the chiles. This pasta dish can be described using any one of these adjectives, but I guess I would just call it amazing. I love fresh figs, the gentle crunch from the interior seeds, the sweet nectar of the […]
Filed under: Fruits, Pasta | Comment (0) Article tags: figs, River Cafe, tagliatelle
Yes, it’s true, as odd as it may seem, up until this year, tomatoes were not a friend of mine. I was very picky with my consumption. Cooked were fine, roasted even better, but sliced and put on a sandwich– never! Wedges in a salad– no way! And a caprese salad– well you can forget […]
Filed under: Pasta | Comment (0) Article tags: pasta pomodoro, spaghetti, tomatoes