Archive for ‘Sandwiches’
September 5th, 2013

Sloppy Joes

Well hello. It’s been a very long time. What was I doing? Well, I was in California visiting family and friends for much of the month of July. And then there was this little matter to be taken care of. But as of September 1, it’s off my desk. (At least until edits come back; […]

April 12th, 2012

Media Meltdown

Do I like bacon? Yes. Do I LOVE bacon? Not really. Do I find it physically painful for throw away food? Absolutely. Do I love a new cookbook? You betcha. What about magazines? Sure thing. When needed, do I take Metro-North Railroad? On occasion. Do I then complain about my bum falling asleep due to […]

March 16th, 2012


Here’s a post that I never thought that I would write. Mayonnaise. The name alone used to send shivers up my spine, and now? Now the shivers stop at my waist. Several years ago, I decided that I had had enough of my food taboos. I had never been an overly picky eater, but there […]

July 15th, 2010

LA Alliteration

As the weather got progressively stickier along the Eastern sea board, I began to count down the days until our annual trip to California.  There may be heat in the sunshine state, and thick smog hanging over the San Fernando Valley, but there is one thing there is not– swampy humidity.  I can handle a […]

June 3rd, 2010

The Kitchen Sink

It all started with some leftover New England (split down the middle) hot dog buns from a weenie roast last week. Or maybe it was our first CSA pick-up and a small bunch of of almost chartreuse, baby dill. Correction– it could have been the radishes, straight from the ground in our small vegetable garden. […]

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