Archive for ‘Sweets’
March 29th, 2012

They Say It's Your Birthday!

If it’s your birthday, I will make you a cake. I should clarify. If it’s your birthday, and you’re a dear friend of mine, who lives within a reasonable distance (walking or driving)– I will make you a cake of your choosing. It has become a sort of tradition since my husband and I moved […]

October 28th, 2011

Stuck On You

Do you know that song by Lionel Richie? “Stuck on you, got a feeling down deep in my soul…dah, dah, dah, Yes, I’m on my way–” (Hum the rest, because if you’re anything like me, you NEVER know the correct words to ANY songs.) Well, that song kept playing over and over in my head […]

September 13th, 2010

I came, I saw, I lost

I am not a competitive person. Growing up, I never had any interest in organized sports. I was on the basketball team (B team, mind you) in middle school. There was one game that the coach had to call a time out because I got tangled in my jersey. Yeah. That’s how good I was. […]

March 17th, 2010

Naughty and Nice

I was at the heath food store recently, perusing through the many bags of Bob’s Red Mill products when I spotted a bag of graham flour. Graham flour? Graham crackers, I thought. So, I grabbed a bag and went home. Some may think of graham crackers as a childish food. And I suppose they are. […]

January 5th, 2010

As Promised

Christmas came and went with a flurry. The New Year was rung in with a bash. And now– it is January. I must say, that as ready as I am for the holidays to come, each year, I am equally ready to say farewell! For me, it is was the holiday of cakes. A bĂ»che […]

December 24th, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Is it possible that Christmas is already here? It feels like only yesterday that I was laying a butter-drenched cheese cloth over my Thanksgiving turkey, and shoving it in the oven. This Christmas we’re breaking our Jewish tradition of a day at the movies, followed by a meal of Chinese food. We’re going to Brooklyn […]

December 14th, 2009


Have you ever looked through a cookbook and seen a recipe that was so bizarre, with such a unique list of ingredients, that you could not imagine what it tastes like? It recently happened to me. I checked out the New York Times Heritage Cookbook by Jean Hewitt from the library. It is an out […]

November 3rd, 2009

Apples: Part II

I went apple picking again. Correction– I went apple, crabapple and quince picking, and I went a little crazy. 22 pounds of crazy. The apples are enormous, and delicious, but enormous none the less– imagine the head of a small child, covered in delicate, chewy and edible bright green skin. But apples, unlike so many […]

October 22nd, 2009

I Never Do This…

Who loves shopping with gift certificates? I do! Gift certificates give you an excuse to buy things that you normally wouldn’t buy. They tinge your shopping with a bit of frivolity. You never buy socks, or wooden spoons, or computer paper with them– at least I don’t. I was given a gift certificate awhile back, […]

October 8th, 2009

Sweet Shells

Maybe you have seen them sitting in the glass case at a Mexican Panaderia, a sweet roll, with a sugar crust, that is often brightly colored. If you’re anything like me, you may have been turned off by the neon hues, and ordered something else. Well, I didn’t know what I was missing. I should […]

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