Archive for ‘Uncategorized’
Last week I was in Philadelphia. Not for vacation, not to see the Liberty Bell, nor Reading Terminal Market. I was in class. QVC class. Yep, in a few months I’m going to be on that famed shopping network promoting my cookbook. (Aaaahhh! Live television gives me the vapors!) But before I can do this, […]
Filed under: Press, Uncategorized | Comments (4) Article tags: dessert, Philadelphia, United States of Pie
Attention all New England pie aficionados! I will be appearing tomorrow evening at Bishop’s Orchard at 6pm. For those who aren’t familiar, Bishop’s Orchard is a farm stand, market, winery, and well, an orchard in Guilford, CT. I will be there to sign books, demo pie crust, and talk pie with whoever has questions, or […]
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Here’s a post that I never thought that I would write. Mayonnaise. The name alone used to send shivers up my spine, and now? Now the shivers stop at my waist. Several years ago, I decided that I had had enough of my food taboos. I had never been an overly picky eater, but there […]
Filed under: Misc., Sandwiches, Uncategorized | Comments (3) Article tags: chicken salad, condiments, mayonnaise, pesto
I’ve been doing a bit of spring cleaning on my website. To tell you the truth, it’s not the most gratifying thing in the world. When you clean your apartment, or your closet, there is immediate gratification. There are bags to be taken to Goodwill; every glass surface sparkles back at you; and if you […]
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And I don’t mean eat lots of dark and leafy greens, although they can be delicious, and hearty. I mean, why don’t you make a bit of tomatillo salsa to have in the fridge? My condiment of choice this week has been this salsa, to have on top of just about anything. Sure, we all […]
Filed under: Uncategorized, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: Mesa Mexicana, salsa, tomatillo
Well, Jack Frost was not really nipping at my nose this holiday season. It’s been surprisingly warm here in New York, but I still felt the need to get into the holiday spirit. What better way to get into that spirit than with fresh, straight-from-the-oven, roasted chestnuts? And they really couldn’t be any easier to […]
Filed under: Uncategorized, Vegetables | Comment (1) Article tags: roasted chestnuts
Vintage Cheddar and Red Onion Chutney.Oven Roasted Chicken with Lemon and Thyme.Peking Duck and Hoisin Sauce.Thai Sweet Chili.Smoky Bacon.No, these are not elements that made up an outrageous and unique Thanksgiving dinner served at my house. They are flavors of crisps, or chips, as they are more commonly known as in the United States. My […]
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Perhaps some of you may have noticed that my postings have been less frequent as of late. Well, I haven’t found a new love, nor have I had a baby, nor have I won the lottery. The big news is that as of August 1st, I will no longer be a resident of the balmy […]
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