Archive for ‘Vegetables’
June 3rd, 2009

More of The Same

So I think this is going to be a quick one today. Why? You might be asking. Well, Brian and I are moving again, just across town, but still, we are on the move again. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, moving is a royal pain. It’s like a blister that just popped […]

May 6th, 2009

Something Out of Nothing

Sometimes, at the close of a weekend full of errands, dinner with friends, and general busy-ness, the most you can do is tumble onto the couch with the book review section of the New York Times. And then you remember that, oh yes, you have to feed yourself. What to do, what to do? Growing […]

I think that rhubarb is really one of those vegetables that is best served as a fruit– like a tomato in reverse. That is not to say that I have never been swayed to try out rhubarb as a savory component to my meals. If I remember correctly, several years ago, I tried out a […]

April 23rd, 2009

Dessert for Many

When it comes to meals with my husband, most of the time I am quite alright with a table for two. When we go out, it usually means that there is sure to be leftovers brought home and enjoyed at lunchtime the following day. Or when I cook at home, it means that Brian and […]

April 15th, 2009

Kale in April

I try to eat seasonally, and locally is even better. But I must admit, it is about this time each year, as I plunge my hand into the produce bin at the market, only to retrieve yet another clump of chard, or spinach, or dandelion greens– I curse my fate. I try to keep my […]

April 2nd, 2009

Comfort Me With Soup

Let’s pretend it’s still March shall we, because that is when I prepared this comforting bit of soup. March can be a month of maybes, a time of indecision. Is it spring or is it still winter? The thermometer may reach into the 50′s during the days, beckoning you outdoors, only to fall once again […]

As you probably can guess, from being a food blog writer, I also read a lot of food blogs. And if there is one common thread that is sewn amongst my fellow bloggers each February and early March it is that spring cannot come soon enough. So I feel that it is safe to speak […]

February 2nd, 2009

A Classic

Potatoes. Boiled, baked, sautéed, and fried– it seems that this season I cannot get enough of them. Maybe it’s the cold weather. The crunchy ice paving the sidewalk outside my apartment makes me want to stay in near the fire, a stack of books to my left, and a piping hot tuber to my right. […]

December 17th, 2008

It's Brussels Sprouts!

Ho hum. No introduction need be made to the humble brussels sprout. But come every fall and winter I eat so many of these little cruciferous vegetables, it is not uncommon for my skin turn a pale green color, and begin to flake off oddly in the shape of sprightly leaves. The brussels sprout is […]

November 30th, 2008

Leftovers: Pilgrim's Pie

Did all of you have a nice Thanksgiving? It’s hard to believe this Fall holiday has come and gone as quickly as a potato waiting to be mashed. Now, gearing up for the Christmas holidays begins. I must say, that for as excited as I get each November, I am always happy to say goodbye […]

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