I went apple picking again. Correction– I went apple, crabapple and quince picking, and I went a little crazy. 22 pounds of crazy. The apples are enormous, and delicious, but enormous none the less– imagine the head of a small child, covered in delicate, chewy and edible bright green skin. But apples, unlike so many […]
Filed under: Fruits, Sweets | Comments (5) Article tags: apple, crumble, oatmeal, pie, Sweets
I remember my grandma’s waldorf salad– an interesting mix of both fruit and vegetables, all mixed up with a paste-like dressing. I have never been a huge mayonnaise fan, but yet I was enthralled with the waldorf dressing. A little mayonnaise, a touch of whipped cream, could it be? Sweet yet tangy, light and lustrous, […]
Filed under: Fruits, Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: apple, blue cheese, celery, chicken, salad, waldorf