Posts tagged ‘balsamic reduction’
Who has eaten a real pumpkin? Not the kind that come already pureed in a can, and not the pre-made, pumpkin pie filling. Well, I hadn’t. Pumpkin seeds, I was all over. Butternut squash I can roast with the best of them. And let’s just say, I get a kick out of kabocha. But pumpkin, […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: balsamic reduction, roast vegetable
Maybe it is just certain octogenarians I have run into, but most of them do two things: talk about their health, and talk about the weather. And now that I have moved to New York, a place that actually has weather and seasons, I find myself doing the same thing (at least the weather part). […]
Filed under: Fruits | Comment (0) Article tags: balsamic reduction, basil, salad, watermelon