Okay, I’ll admit it. I had never had a homemade biscuit until just a few short years ago. There were biscuits in my youth, it was just that they usually came in a refrigerated cardboard tube, and the young Adrienne, all bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked loved those biscuits any which way she could get them. My […]
Filed under: Breads | Comment (0) Article tags: biscuits, muffins, Southern
When was the last time that you had some Ovaltine? Well I can tell you, for me, it had been ages, years, perhaps even decades. As I get older, I am just not much of a milk drinker, and yes, I know about calcium, bone density, etc. But… I don’t drink much milk, and that […]
Filed under: Sweets | Comment (0) Article tags: biscuits, Donna Hay, malted milk, raisins