Posts tagged ‘brown sugar’
I can be a lazy cook. I am not however a lazy eater. I often have very lofty aspirations about what I want to eat, it is just getting there that can seem a bit daunting. But I have found that from laziness often comes resourcefulness, or pudding, as it was this time. Pudding is […]
Filed under: Sweets | Comment (0) Article tags: brown sugar, butterscotch, pudding
Do you remember eating grapefruit as the starter at a savory dinner party? I do. It must have been an early 80′s things to do. Or maybe it was a late 70′s thing, and my mom was simply holding on to a remnant of the past (sorry, mom!). Anyhow, I loved it. It seemed so […]
Filed under: Fruits | Comment (0) Article tags: brown sugar, brullee, grapefruit