Posts tagged ‘buttermilk’
And then there was buttermilk. But this wasn’t the staunchly tangy stuff that you buy in a carton for making waffles, and then sits in the recesses of your refrigerator, separating, growing more sour, until the carton begins to emit a peculiar odor. No, this buttermilk was pleasingly watery, ever so mild, with just a […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comment (0) Article tags: buttermilk, cold soup, sorrel
I know that I have written about the beloved pancake many times here before. There was the banana pancake, a chubby cake with creamy banana slices cooked in the batter. Then there was the corn pancake of June 2005, which was really just an excuse to sprinkle pancetta over something with abandon. And finally, there […]
Filed under: Breakfast | Comment (1) Article tags: buttermilk, lemon, poppy seed