Posts tagged ‘cookies’
June 26th, 2013

Everything Cookies

Something happened to the way that I cook when I moved to the East coast. I waste very little. It’s not that I was a spendthrift before– but I was guilty of throwing away sorry looking-vegetables in the bottom of the crisper, or leftovers that weren’t appealing to me anymore– they just got discarded. I […]

February 28th, 2013


I wanted to start this post out lavishly quoting to you the lyrics of a Purim song of my youth. It is sung to the melody of “Roll out the Barrel,” but the words have been changed and this rousing rendition is entitled “Roll out the Megillah” (the scrolls on which the story of Purim […]

January 19th, 2007

My City, My Cookie

I have become a woman obsessed. (Which actually isn’t anything too new.) I am not obsessed with gleaming jewels, fancy cars or even couture dresses. My obsessions are much more quotidian, though if you ask me, they are just as difficult to obtain. I am obsessed with a cookie– a cookie from the great City […]

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