I know that I’m a day late, but for all of those readers who are observing the Passover holiday, and eating only non-leavened bread products– you have an entire week to eat plenty of matzos. One whole week with nary a slice of bread to be seen. Truth be told, it’s been several years since […]
Filed under: Breads, Misc. | Comments (20) Article tags: cracker, matzo, passover
I was at the heath food store recently, perusing through the many bags of Bob’s Red Mill products when I spotted a bag of graham flour. Graham flour? Graham crackers, I thought. So, I grabbed a bag and went home. Some may think of graham crackers as a childish food. And I suppose they are. […]
Filed under: Breads, Misc., Sweets | Comments (17) Article tags: chocolate, cookie, cracker, graham
I was a latch-key kid. But please, don’t feel sorry for me– I loved the time alone. There was something so settling about a quiet house to come to, with no one pestering me about schoolwork that had yet to be completed. The school bus would drop me off just houses away from where I […]
Filed under: Breads | Comments (7) Article tags: cracker, cream, Parmesan