Posts tagged ‘cream’
November 24th, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Is everyone gearing up for, hands down my favorite holiday– Thanksgiving? I know that I am. There is pie crust to be made, bread to tear for stuffing, and a rustic pate to be assembled– and that is just on today’s schedule. Tomorrow the real work begins; but I am hard-pressed to call any of […]

March 16th, 2009

Polly Wants These Crackers

I was a latch-key kid. But please, don’t feel sorry for me– I loved the time alone. There was something so settling about a quiet house to come to, with no one pestering me about schoolwork that had yet to be completed. The school bus would drop me off just houses away from where I […]

December 17th, 2008

It's Brussels Sprouts!

Ho hum. No introduction need be made to the humble brussels sprout. But come every fall and winter I eat so many of these little cruciferous vegetables, it is not uncommon for my skin turn a pale green color, and begin to flake off oddly in the shape of sprightly leaves. The brussels sprout is […]

We all know that Dr. Pavlov, with his multitudes of salivating mutts, has very little to do with a sweet Pavlova dessert, besides a similarity in surnames…but this dessert was so scrumptios it had me salivating, bells or not! The Pavlova is one of those desserts that is only read about in novels set in […]

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