Posts tagged ‘creme fraiche’
For me, the hardest part of going away is not the planning (I guess I’m not really a planner), nor is it the packing (just take all of your clothes and stuff them in a suitcase). It is using up the contents of the fridge for that final week at home, that works me up. […]
Filed under: Fruits, Sweets | Comment (0) Article tags: cherry, creme fraiche, pie
Ambrosia has always fascinated me, not the food of the Greek gods, rather the good ol’ American buffet speciality. (And maybe by fascinated I should clarify– repelled.) I remember a few family BBQ’s at my grandma house. All the food would be lined up on the dinning room cum buffet table: potato salad, crocks of […]
Filed under: Fruits, Sweets | Comment (0) Article tags: cherries, creme fraiche, raspberries
When we moved to New York, we lost our outdoor space, that tiny patch of land, right outside our front door where Brian and I grew a sorry collection of succulents. We also lost our BBQ. But have no fear, I have a stovetop grill pan. And with that pan comes my latest fixation, the […]
Filed under: Fruits | Comment (0) Article tags: creme fraiche, pears