Posts tagged ‘farmers market’
Our farmers’ market is finally getting going. The stinky man selling soap (the irony is almost too much!) is having to share booth space with vendors actually selling produce. The woman selling wool yarn has packed up her wares until the fall, but alas, the man selling treacly maple syrup will always be there. Last […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comment (1) Article tags: farmers market, raab blossoms
It’s nice living within a walking distance from a thriving farmers’ market. Each Saturday morning, after a strong cup of coffee, and a slice or two of toast, I grab my Moe’s tote (a proud relic of my Berkeley days) and Brian and I take a stroll down to Wooster Square. I peruse what the […]
Filed under: Fruits | Comment (0) Article tags: farmers market, ground cherry, tomatillo