Remember the pathetic growing season I had last year? When I couldn’t get my tomato plants into the ground and had to “grow” them in pots? Then it rained practically all June long, leaving me with a few measly, watery tomatoes. This, my friends, is what I call a serious dearth. Well, this year we […]
Filed under: Pasta, Vegetables | Comments (3) Article tags: confit, garden, olive oil, summer, tomatoes
First there were the radishes. They seem like a distant memory to me now. They grew, we ate, we conquered. And for the first time, I decided to grow some peas– sugar snap peas to be exact. If the the radishes were gratifying, these peas are, well… joyous. Joyous? Yes, joyous! The fence that Brian […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comments (2) Article tags: garden, peas, sugar snap peas, summer