Posts tagged ‘Italian plums’
I love dessert– a tall layer cake, a slice of pie (duh, I wrote a book about that one!). I’ll even take a cookie. But what I really love, are trustworthy, un-embellished, not-too-sweet, single layered, coarse crumbed cakes. My friend calls these cakes abstemious– but he’s a wordsmith. I have a few of the recipes […]
Filed under: Baking, Fruits, Sweets | Comment (1) Article tags: almond meal, cake, Edna Lewis, Italian plums
What do you do when you have most of the ingredients to make a pie, but are too lazy to actually make the crust? Well, I guess you have two options. 1) Take a power nap, and wake up in the pie-making spirit. 2) Forget about the nap, but definitely not the pies. Go to […]
Filed under: Sweets | Comment (0) Article tags: Italian plums, nectarines, puffed pastry, turnovers