I love mashed potatoes, always have. When I was young I even appreciated potato buds. You know, those dessicated flakes of potato to which you add boiling water and a pat of butter? I even liked those. Guilty. I have always loved their warmth, their smooth consistency– for me, mashed potatoes are the ultimate comfort […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comments (15) Article tags: celeriac, iVillage, mash, potato
Is everyone gearing up for, hands down my favorite holiday– Thanksgiving? I know that I am. There is pie crust to be made, bread to tear for stuffing, and a rustic pate to be assembled– and that is just on today’s schedule. Tomorrow the real work begins; but I am hard-pressed to call any of […]
Filed under: Vegetables | Comments (5) Article tags: braised, Brussels sprouts, cream, iVillage